Free Webinar: How to Succeed as a WordPress Consultant

We are happy to present all our users with the opportunity to take a free webinar with our friend Troy Dean, the founder of WP Elevation (which also features a great podcast) and Video User Manuals (responsible for creating all of the ManageWP video tutorials). The following is the message from Troy to all of you who are interested in becoming a (better) WordPress consultant.

If you’re a WordPress consultant, like most of us you want better clients, better projects to work on and you want to get paid the higher fees you know you deserve, right?

Well that’s exactly what motivated me to start WP Elevation. I used to be right there in the mosh pit with the rest of the struggling freelancers. Not having enough confidence to charge what I wanted, and somehow attracting those clients (we have all had): the old, “I want champagne but I’m on a beer budget” kinda people.

Then one day it hit me: one of the reasons I got into this business was so that I could have more freedom; no cubicles, no boss and more time to actually live the lifestyle I wanted. Where was that? It wasn’t exactly happening as planned!

So I watched, studied, implemented, won some, lost some, refined processes and repeated. I was determined not to hang around in that struggling freelancer phase for too long! I also knew that the gold I was learning along the way could really help other WordPress freelancers to get to the top of their game faster and better.

I’m now running a successful business accelerator program for WordPress consultants, employing staff and travelling all over the world for work and speaking gigs. That sounds a bit more like the picture I had envisioned!

I don’t believe in keeping successful business strategies a secret. One of the things I love most about what I do is hearing from clients when they’ve had a big win by following the processes we’ve taught them. That’s why I am honored to be teaming up with ManageWP to share some of those strategies with you. We’re running a webinar on Tuesday September 16th at 2:00pm Pacific Time in which I’ll give you solid and proven methods to improve your business. Things that will work immediately as well as long term processes.

The following points are how I break down the critical stages of the WordPress consultant job cycle. They are what I use myself and it’s what I base all my training on. I’m going to go through them in detail during the webinar…

  1. Incoming: How to generate and process incoming leads.
  2. Positioning: How to position yourself as a premium consultant and stop negotiating on price.
  3. Proposals: How to write proposals that convert, and write them fast.
  4. Anti-Follow Up: How to keep in touch and follow-up proposals without being desperate.
  5. Delivery: How to set expectations and keep the client project on track.
  6. Referral Machine: How to create steady referrals into your business from existing clients.

Also, as a way of saying thank you to everyone who signs up for the free webinar, I’ll be giving away a short bonus webinar to teach you how I sell my maintenance plans (and of course how I use ManageWP to deliver my maintenance plans).

So if you need to refine, learn or perfect your current processes, this is the ideal webinar for you. No more discounting on price, no more awkward sales follow-up calls and no more wondering what to do next.

The time of being a bystander is gone. Get out of the mosh pit and up onto that stage!

Register now to claim your spot in this inspiring free webinar.

Guest Writer

At ManageWP we pride ourselves on publishing articles from top WordPress authors. Alongside our core of awesome writers we also occasionally feature articles from WordPress experts. You will find their articles below -- enjoy!


  1. karl_s

    Sounds fantastic. I’m looking forward to it! 😀

  2. dafyd

    Looking forward to it.

    New Zealand

  3. jjsararas

    I’m going to try and make it too. And just to mention if anyone else is doing video tutorials for your clients, I’ve been using Troy’s videousermanuals and it’s pretty slick. Much more professional than sending Jing links.

    1. Troy

      Thanks for the kind words 🙂

  4. Info

    fantastic thanks to that now go on line I will follow Italy 🙂

  5. franksdesigns

    Excited to learn more.

  6. Asad Aslam

    Signed up for the first time. Looking forward to learn a lot 🙂

  7. Nebojsa Kracun

    Cool 🙂

  8. Stephanie

    Trying to register for the webinar and I see “Alert! There was a problem while connecting to LeadPages server! Message: Internal Server Error”. I want to join in!

    1. troy

      Please try again Stephanie. If it doesn’t work I can register you manually. If it doesn’t work please email with your details.

      1. greentexasweb

        Done! Excited to learn 🙂

  9. Troy

    I’ll do my best Erin, but I can’t guarantee they will be recording.

  10. anandaescudero

    Fab! I will try to join in! Thanks

  11. erin.smith

    I have a prior commitment halfway through the scheduled webinar. Is there a way to record the webinar or watch it after the fact?

    1. igilligan


      If you’re on a Mac, you can use QuickTime’s screen recorder to record the audio and video from the webinar. Just note it’ll record ambient noise too, so make sure to keep the computer/webinar running in a quiet room!

  12. mnlgmz

    I’m in!

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