Why can’t I add some of my sites? 

Listed below are the most common reasons for this:

  • Your site is down or not accessible by ManageWP.com
  • The website at the URL you specified is not a WordPress site. For example, it could be a static HTML page or redirecting somewhere else. Make sure that the URL you enter points to the home page of your WordPress site.
  • You changed hosting and/or DNS settings recently. Use the Clear IP cache option in ManageWP settings.
  • You are running a maintenance mode/under construction plugin which prevents ManageWP from communicating with your website. Deactivate the plugin.
  • Your web host is blocking ManageWP’s IP. Ask them to whitelist our IP addresses.
  • You do not have the Worker plugin activated and running. Make sure the latest version of the worker is active on your site then remove the site from your ManageWP dashboard (click on the site, select Remove from the menu) and add it again.
  • If you are using Firefox and have certain add-ons installed, the Add Site popup might not work properly. We have yet to determine the list of add-ons that are causing this issue. If you are experiencing this problem, can you please, try using another browser – Chrome, Internet Explorer or Safari.
  • Check whether your hosting provider is blocking custom headers. Our custom headers are the following : MWP-Action, MWP-Communication-Key, MWP-Key-Name, MWP-Message-ID, MWP-Protocol, MWP-Service-Signature, MWP-Signature, MWP-Signature-G
  • If you receive the “Could not resolve hostname” error, it usually means that the DNS propagation has not yet finished. Please, wait 48 more hours and attempt to add the site again.
  • If you receive the “WordPress hasn’t been detected at this URL” error, try switching the theme to default and attempt to add the site again. If this goes through, it is possible that the problem has been caused by a theme conflict, and you could check this by returning the theme back to the desired theme, once the site has been added to your ManageWP dashboard.



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