Welcome to the April 2014 links mashup post!
I’ve got another nice selection of articles for you this month, with tutorials, tips, and opinion pieces sure to change your perspective on how you use WordPress for good. There’s a couple of plugin lists, tips for developers, and recaps of the latest official WordPress news to keep you good and informed. Enjoy!
The Articles
How to Set Up a Free Mini-Course in WordPress – this article offers a thorough rundown of how to start a mini-course using WordPress that’s designed to capture email addresses using a membership plugin.
5 Push Notification Plugins for WordPress – as the title indicates, this article provides five different push notification plugins to choose from. Comment moderation on-the-go has never been so easy.
How to Promote Your Content Through Social Media – Stacey Harris offers insights into what to do after publishing your next post in this WordCamp Phoenix 2014 talk.
Improve the WordPress Visual Editor With These Cool Hacks – a really nice rundown of the visual changes made to the WordPress editor in version 3.9 as well as some additional changes you can make to improve the UI even more.
Post Types, Taxonomies and Permalinks – this quick tip from Tuts+ offers a brief rundown of these aspects of WordPress and how to modify them if need be.
How to Use Open Source Brick Fonts – a quick guide for integrating Brick Fonts into WordPress as an alternative to the compressed and lower-quality Google Fonts.
How Not to Market WordPress Products – all about why customers don’t care about your products and how to switch your emphasis from talking about what you use to make a product to instead talking about the benefits it provides to customers.
Pricing Your Next WordPress Project – a nice resource of previous posts on pricing for WordPress-oriented projects and services.
How to Remove Login Shake Effect When Error Occurs – a quick snippet I’m definitely bookmarking.
How WordPress Plugin Authors Can Better Explain What Their Plugins Do – exactly as the title says, this article breaks down how plugin authors can better explain — and in turn, better market — their plugins.
Setting an Animated GIF as a Featured Image – a fun tutorial that’s certain to make your blog posts’ featured images just a little bit more interesting.
What Niche Bloggers Can Do to Attract Traffic – though aimed at WordPress.com users, the tips are valid for self-hosted WordPress blogs, too.
2013-2014 Theme Design Trends – a recap of some of the recent design trends hitting WordPress these days from grid layouts to responsive and flat design to single page sites.
Why the Web Still Matters for Writing – a nice opinion piece. Even though desktop computer use is declining, people are still reading on their mobile devices.
WordPress 3.8.2 Security Release – everything you need to know about the latest security release straight from the horse’s mouth.
Tips for Getting Your Plugins Approved on WordPress.org – some great tips for plugin developers here that you won’t want to miss. Another bookmark-worthy post, in my opinion.
Hookr.io for Developers – though currently in its Alpha stages, Hookr.io promises to be an excellent resource for developers. It’s essentially an index of all the Hooks and APIs for WordPress since version 1.5.
Introducing WordPress 3.9 – also known as “Smith,” the latest version of WordPress offers smoother visual editing, the ability to drag and drop images into the editor, and more.
Make Custom Feeds with the WP RSS Aggregator WordPress Plugin – yes, this is one of my posts but it’s a review of a great little plugin that makes creating custom feeds from multiple sources a snap.
Increase E-Commerce Sales With These 4 Design Tips – another one of mine, this time focusing on how to improve sales for your online store by making a few design adjustments.
The Infographics
I’ve actually found three infographics for you this month. The first slipped by us in March so it’s included here and deals with the top 10 WordPress mistakes. The second talks all about popular problems people tend to run into when installing WordPress. The last infographic I found highlights all the cool features in WordPress 3.9. Did you come across a cool infographic this past month? Please share it in the comments! Enjoy!

Halaman Satu
Very nice and long infographic … nice to meet u Tom
Hi Tom,
Have you checked the first Infographic? There, Tags got emphasized and this will hurts SEO these days. Please check it.
I usually recommend to all the WordPress Developers and WordPress SEO enthusiast to block and nofollow and noindex the Tags of WordPress.
Its because –
1. Tag will create a page and which have no content literally. Thin content penalty ahead for you if you do so.
2. People actually don’t have much time to find contents from Tags. They land on your website via Search Engines or social media where you shared it.
So, its better to stay away from Tags.
Jasa pembuatan website
I thank you, because you have given a list of posts that are useful to me
Glad you liked them!