![The ManageWP Story [Part I] - Before WordPress The ManageWP Story [Part I] - Before WordPress](http://s42013.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/mwp_story.png)
As you may know if you have been following ManageWP for any length of time, we like to do things a little differently.
We’re not based out of Silicon Valley. We’re not backed by venture capital funds. But in spite of that, we are a fast-growing startup with a loyal user base and (even if we do say so ourselves) a great product. We’re passionate about serving you in the best way possible by building the best tool possible, and work every day with that goal in mind.
Although ManageWP is now well known in the WordPress community, its beginnings were humble, unexpected, and perhaps even a little accidental. And if life has taught me anything to date, it is that honest endeavor coupled with the passing of time can take you to exciting places.
With that in mind, today we are publishing the first in a series of posts that intends to tell the ManageWP story in full – from the very beginning. How the product came to be, the trials and tribulations we have faced, and the progress we have made.
The story starts back in 1985…
It Began with a Commodore 64
I got my first computer when I was about 9 years old. For those of a certain age, the Commodore 64 will bring back fond memories:

I loved that machine. And once I had gotten my first taste of computing, at such a tender age, I never looked back. From that moment on, I knew that I would make a living with computers. I certainly didn’t know how, but I just knew.
The first program I ever created was text-based adventure game for the Commodore 64. The code was 2,000 lines long, and since there was no way of saving it, I had to type it all out from scratch every time I wanted to play it. Thinking back to that certainly puts today’s impatient computing age in perspective!
Education (from an Unlikely Source)
I learnt to code in high school and college (where I studied programming and mathematics). As you might expect, it was at college that I really began to develop as a programmer, but perhaps not for the reasons you would expect.
In reality, the classes I attended at College were outdated. I already knew most of what was being taught before it was taught. Consider this – I was at college in the late 1990s, and yet the Internet was not even a topic for discussion.
I soon lost interest and before long was dedicating myself to far more interesting endeavors – most notably, a Multi User Dungeon (MUD) game that I personally developed. My friends and I would spend hours and hours playing my game – doing so was certainly far more interesting than work!

But more importantly, creating and playing this game was teaching me an enormous amount about programming. There is no doubt in my mind that the thousands of hours spent developing and playing my MUD game contributing enormously to my education as a programmer.
Ultimately, my frustration with the curriculum at my college led to me dropping out in my third and final year. Although completing my degree at that stage would be considered by most to be the sensible move, I was extremely concerned that I was missing out on exciting possibilities by staying at college for even a moment longer.
Building a Career
In summer 2000, I reached a pivotal point in my life – join the army, or find a career.
I received an invitation to work for a large German company, and jumped at the chance. They were opening a branch in Serbia, and it was a fantastic opportunity for me to get my foot in the door and establish myself.
I worked at the company for around two years. The job was fairly enjoyable and well paid. Unfortunately, the company started making some business decisions that I considered far from wise, so I decided that it would be best for me to move on.
I joined the Serbian branch of an Austrian gambling company in 2003. We developed code for casino games. The job was challenging, and exciting as we were making games, and before long I was a project manager.
I was well paid, got to travel a lot, and worked with great people. Learned a ton too. However, I did not particularly like the notion of working for the gambling industry. Despite having worked myself into a great position, with a good wage, fantastic team, responsibility and autonomy, I knew that it wasn’t enough.
Taking the Plunge
So in 2007, I quit my lucrative job.
I was essentially unemployable at that stage. I wanted to become an entrepreneur. I didn’t know how, but the desire was motivation enough.
My thought process was this simple – I didn’t want to wake up, aged 50, having worked for the same guy, doing the same thing for 25 years. I knew if I didn’t take action then, I never would.
Of course, the Internet was already well-established by that time. We had already gone through one boom and bust cycle, but after the dot com frenzy of the late 1990s, things had settled back down. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Internet was the future for me. I saw it (and in fact still see it) as the Wild West of our age – there are huge opportunities for anyone to grab, should they have the necessary skill and determination.
Meeting WordPress
I had six months worth of savings, and set myself the goal of establishing a profitable business within those six months.
My first port of call was to establish a blog. It was only then, in 2007, that I discovered WordPress. At the time I had no bias – after some deliberation, I choose WordPress as I considered it to be the best platform.
Little did I know at the time how influential that decision would be. It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that literally all of my progress from that point onwards stemmed directly from choosing to start a blog, and choosing to work with WordPress. From the most humble of beginnings can grow much bigger things.
The ManageWP Story Series
Creative Commons image courtesy of The Bode, Apex Web Gaming and memoryleakx
Great story! My life was similar [but still waiting million] 😉
About C64 – I started creating adventures in Basic with scenes drawn using PET graphics 🙂 My knowledge is still “basic” [without If and Then] 😉 but I am not programmer. I remember when I started – my first game save was very big so I accidentally found that if I load Turbotape before starting any code – I could save my game compressed and short on tape 🙂
Congrats to your success.
Stefan Pejcic
Svaka cast Vladimire..
i’m looking forward to read the rest 😉
Hi Vladimir, you really deserve your success! Me and my wife made a similar choice, leaving our jobs and founding a company. And perhaps you are part of our success, since the first theme we used, in 2008, was yours, and we were readers of your blog 🙂 My wife’s first blog was the first step for taking the decision of leaving our jobs and change our lifes.
We are very happy to see that your business is growing.
Thank you very much!
Mike Hutner
Nice foto from the C64, was my first one too. But i had less motivation to code sometinhg. Lets see whats coming up in the next part. we stay tuned 😉
As a fellow entrepreneur I love seeing the background of how folks decided to take the plunge. Looking forward to hearing more Vladimir!
Interestinng story. And the most interesting thing for me is to find out I was hooked into WordPress becuase I started a blog with it and then I turned it into a carrier.
Jean Galea
Great post, looking forward to reading the rest of it, I’m sure things are gonna get even more interesting.
Clifford Paulick
Great story. Looking forward to Part 2!
Brad Dalton
WOW. Good to read a real story based on someones real experience.
That’s real blogging not content marketing for keywords.
Thank you. I hope you like the rest of our content, it’s sole purpose is to provide value to our readers.
Marko Tiosavljevic
Small ideas can change the world. Keep Walking 🙂
Tom Ewer
That’s the plan! 🙂