The ManageWP Manifesto

ManageWP Manifesto

Vladimir Prelovac

Vladimir is the Founder of ManageWP, and is a frequent contributor to the WordPress community - in the form of numerous plug-ins, tools, WordCamp talks and a book by the title WordPress Plugin Development.


  1. Larry Spiler

    In several places on your site I noticed the “20+” people working on your site. Normally, I find this more bravado than reality. However, now that I’m using your services it’s apparent that it’s more reality than bravado. But, of those 20+ I’d really like to know how many are in customer service (i.e. helping customers resolve problems, explaining the misunderstood, etc.). Again, it’s not so much to pry as to give other companies, including my own, a benchmark to be used for support. Just since I’ve signed up, I’ve had numerous contacts with a few people in your support team, and other than a few grammatical problems, the engagement has been a delight-not only do your people get back to me “SUPER” quick, but they are also patient and so very helpful. If you feel you cannot publicly say, I’d really appreciate hearing what that % of the 20+ are in customer support, privately if possible. Also, it would be of enormous help to me to understand how that evolved from your early stages and the reasons, or “Aha” moments that lead you to evolve into a customer-support centric company. This is all good and I do hope that you could put much more emphasis on this in your manifesto. It might sound like the same old trash that most other companies use when they say that customer service is #1 all the while not doing anything about it, but in your case, it speaks volumes as to the core of your success.

    1. ManageWP

      Thanks very much Larry! About 60% of our staff is directly communicating with customers.

  2. John Young

    Love you guys as well. Looked for a solution like yours from the minute I started my web design business in 2010. You’ve made my life much easier – keep up the good work and keep coming up with great solutions!

    1. vprelovac

      Thank you John! Much appreciated.

  3. Richard Hawkins

    That’s lovely.

    Please sort your pricing out, it’s overly complex and extremely expensive for non-professionals.

    Much love,


  4. Anita

    Great manifesto – nicely presented – well said.
    I ‘heart’ ManageWP.

    1. ManageWP

      Thank you Anita! We stand behind what we say.

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