Safe Updates

There are two ways to update websites: the wrong way, and the Safe Updates way

Tested the Safe update feature right after it was announced. I expected nothing less than perfection from ManageWP and they fulfilled my expectations once more. I do maintenance for a big network of websites and for some other enterprise clients that can’t afford to have downtime because some plugin updates didn’t go well. This new feature is a bomb!

Damir Bodor, Nice Work Done

Nobody likes to update WordPress websites, but you gotta do it to keep your website secure. Still, it’s time and effort that could be spent elsewhere. That’s where Safe Updates comes in: it automatically creates a restore point for you, compares the website before and after the update, and helps you roll back the update if something goes wrong. Yeah, it’s that easy.


Here’s how it works:

  1. Create a restore point: if something goes wrong, you can roll back the update
  2. Send an HTTP request to the website: if it’s not 200 OK, we stop the process
  3. Grab a “before” page screenshot: pick a page on your website. We will later compare it with the after screenshot to spot inconsistencies
  4. Update plugin/theme/core
  5. Send another HTTP request to the website: if the response is not 200 OK, we let you know
  6. Automatically roll back on error: You can instruct your ManageWP dashboard to automatically roll back if you get a 4xx-5xx HTTP response
  7. Grab an “after” page screenshot
  8. Show the screenshot comparison: You’ll see the before/after screenshots of the chosen page, and you’ll have the option to roll back if you see something out of place

Safe Updates is a free upgrade for everyone with the premium Backup add-on. And if your website is hosted on GoDaddy servers, it’s free since all GoDaddy hosted sites get premium Backup and Uptime Monitor for free!

Technical takeaways for nerds

    1. Restore with ease

      Automatically creates a restore point before the update

    2. Update scheduling

      Set up a time and day in the week, and choose which updates will be performed. Perfect for updates during low traffic hours.

    3. Update verification

      HTTP check & page screenshot grab for comparison before and after the update. You can choose which URL you want to compare.

    4. Automatic rollback

      The option of automatically rolling back the update if your website server responds with an HTTP response in the 400-599 range

    5. Unattended updates

      Need to update 20 websites? No problem. Run Safe Updates in bulk, and check back later when the system notifies you that you’re done.

There's even more to that...

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Over 65,000 WordPress professionals are already using ManageWP

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