(Edit: We’ve edited the post to better answer some of the questions found in comments)
With Orion launch just around the corner (scheduled July 12th) we wanted to answer some of the questions you had with the new product.
Let’s outline the biggest differences and how will they affect you.
ManageWP Orion is free for unlimited websites
Gone is the 5 free websites limit. Add your entire website portfolio and enjoy the best management tools in class. This also means you can bring all your subdomains and staging sites on board.
ManageWP Orion free feature set is greatly increased compared to ManageWP Classic
Previously paid tools like Sub-users (now called Collaborators), Manage users, Maintenance mode, Google Analytics and Code snippets are now completely free. We’ve even included a monthly cloud backup and basic client reports completely free of charge too.
All other free tools you love and use (like updates, plugin and theme management, security and performance scanning…) are there as well and have undergone a major overhaul to be better and easier to use.
New pricing model for premium add-ons
ManageWP Orion will start with five premium add-ons that you can enable on per website basis. These tools are:
- Orion cloud backups – incremental backups with safe, off-site storage and website migration – starting at $2/month for daily backups
- White label, SEO, Uptime monitor, Advanced Client Reports – each add-on at only $1/month
To reduce your bill in case you manage greater number of websites you can enable an add-on bundle – a flat monthly fee for up to 100 websites.
Here is a summary of our pricing.

Transferring your Legacy Subscription
We will honor all current ManageWP subscribers and allow you to transfer your legacy subscription to ManageWP Orion.
This means that you will have premium add-ons available as a special ‘Legacy Bundle’ at your current price and website limit.
Business gets these Orion premium add-ons: Daily Orion Backups, SEO Ranking, White Label, Uptime Monitor, Advanced Client Reports
Professional gets these Orion premium add-ons: Daily Orion Backups, Advanced Client Reports
Standard gets these Orion premium add-ons: Monthly Orion Backup
July is free to play
Although the billing will be enabled on July 12th, we will not charge you for any use in July. August will be the first month when usage will be billed and since Orion switched to post-paid model (from pre-paid in Classic) your first charge will be September the 5th (for August usage).
I have brought with me some template users (or as I call them my imaginary friends), to demonstrate the effect of changes. Each character that you will meet has a different pricing plan in ManageWP Classic, and they switch to the equivalent in Orion.
Meet Emma
Emma is a loyal ManageWP user, she has been using ManageWP for over 2 years and is currently managing 15 websites. The main thing she uses ManageWP for is updates, easy accessibility to all websites, and she really makes the most out of the 1-click login and 1-click updates. She has great hosting that handles her backups, so she doesn’t have to think about them. She does not use the ManageWP backup. Her choice of plan is the Standard (15), and her costs are $10/month.
Switching to Orion
When Emma switches to Orion, she will save herself $10/month, $120/year which is around 57 cups of Starbucks coffee. On the new Orion dashboard, she can access all of her websites and add an unlimited number of them for free, as well as run updates at no additional cost. She now also gets Manage Users and Collaborators, Google Analytics, and Code Snippets for free. With all the extra coffee she will get to drink and her websites being easily managed Emma will be even more productive with Orion.

Meet Noah
I never have favourites when it comes to my imaginary friends, but if I did it would be Noah. He is a web developer and he offers a maintenance service for the websites that he built. For this reason he needs to make sure he has daily backups in case anything goes wrong, and Uptime Monitor that keeps him informed on the websites status. He need these features on 8 websites. On ManageWP he decided to go for the Business (10), that costs him $42/month.
Switching to Orion
The Orion switch has come at a great time for him, as it will save him $18/month, so he can save money for the new xbox Resident Evil 5 that’s coming out coincidentally the same time as Orion, July 12. He decided to go for the Scheduled Backup ($2 per website, total of $16 for 8 websites) and also the Uptime Monitor ($1 per website, total of $8 for 8 websites), which brings him to $24/month. That’s $216 saved in one year!

Meet Sophia
Sophia has always been the smart one at school, and today she builds websites for a living. She also has a lot of friends that she helps out, and keeps an eye on a couple of their websites pro bono. For the 3 websites she built she needs backups and the clone tool, and for the other 4 pro bono she is happy with basic maintenance. Her choice is the Professional (7) that costs her $16.50.
Switching to Orion
The great thing about building websites is that Sophia can go shopping in the morning when it’s not busy, and now she can spend the extra $10.50 that she saves with Orion on a new tank top. In Orion she customized her plan to suit her needs, so for the 3 websites she built she picked the premium Scheduled Backup feature that costs her $2/websites, 6$ for all three. The other 4 websites she maintains, she doesn’t need any premium features for so she can make the most out of the free features in Orion.

Meet Liam
Liam takes website management to a new level, he runs a white label WordPress maintenance business, with 90 websites in his care. He needs to have Scheduled Backups, Uptime Monitor, Client Reports, and the White Label feature. With this many features he decided to pay for the Business (100) that costs him a whooping $240/month.
Switching to Orion
Liam can’t afford to drop the quality of his service, so needs to make sure that he includes all of the same features in his Orion package. And he needs to get it sorted quick, as he is off on holiday with his wife and kids, and doesn’t want to worry about his business while away. So, he chooses the Backup bundle ($75 for up to 100 websites), Uptime Monitor bundle ($25 for up to 100 websites), Advanced Client Report bundle ($25 for up to 100 websites), and White Label bundle ($25 for up to 100 websites). This takes him to $150/month, saving him $90 each month, $1080/year enough to take his family for another getaway weekend.
Thank god for the bundle system, this way he can add another 10 websites to his business and not worry about the price changing.

Meet Olivia and Peter
Olivia is the CEO of WebsiteOlive, a multi tiered web services company. She started her business with her boyfriend, Peter, and they have 120 websites on the basic tier that covers Scheduled Backups and regular updates. The middle tier has 70 websites, which covers the same services as the basic, plus Uptime Monitor. Peter also insisted they have a top tier that for now has only 10 websites, but this covers all of the middle and bottom tier services, as well as SEO Ranking services. They decided it was best to opt for two plans, Professional (150) and Business (100), which costs them $372/month.
Switching to Orion
At first Olivia and Peter were slightly overwhelmed with the switch and the thought of having to work out the pricing again. However, the bundles in Orion made things a lot easier. They decided to get the Backup bundle ($75 for up to 100 websites, a total of $150 for two bundles) and the Uptime Monitor bundle ($25 for up to 100 websites). For Peter’s top tier clients they paid for SEO Ranking per site, which cost them ($1/website) $10 for all sites. By switching to Orion they are now paying $185/month and saving $187/month which is more than 50%!

Meet Kevin and Sasha
Kevin has been using ManageWP for over 5 years, and has added all of his websites to the dashboard. He has a marketing agency and his sister, Sasha, has a website maintenance business that has taken off in the past few years. They use one ManageWP account for both of their businesses, and they have 500 websites on the Business (500) that costs them $420/month. Sasha, needs to make sure she has all of the premium features for her business, whereas Kevin uses some of them on occasion, for instance the SEO Ranking tool is not his priority.
Switching to Orion
Kevin and Sasha came to realise that by switching to Orion, the same features would cost them $750 (All-in-one package X5), costing them an additional $330/month. By getting the All-in-one package they saved $48.50 on the package discounts. They discussed not choosing certain features for all of the websites, for example Kevin could not include SEO Ranking for certain clients. However, they decided that they needed all of them to maintain the quality of their business.
Their solution to compensate for the additional cost, is to start offering their clients the higher quality Orion features for a higher price. For example, the incremental Scheduled Backup. Having a more powerful dashboard, that offers features like Advanced Client Reports that integrate all of the features in one report, means they can increase the value of their business. Advanced Client Reports have everything nicely packaged for their clients, including Uptime Monitor, SEO, Backups, Updates, Analytics, Security and Performance. This not only evened out their costs, but brought in new high-end clients.

Meet Nicola
Nicola after working as an English teacher for 20 years quit her job, and decided to open up a Content Marketing Agency. Her business grew fast, and soon she found herself with 10 websites on the Professional (10) paying $21/month. She switched to the Professional, because she needed to use Client Reports, as she started monitoring her clients websites, as well as doing copywriting and blogging for them. She offers a great backup solution, always keeps them up to date with their website and writes content. As the business grew she hired young students to help her write high quality content, and that part of her business takes up most of her time. What makes her business specific is that she can charge much more for the additional website maintenance services.
Switching to Orion
When the Orion switch came, her costs went up to $30. Her monthly costs went up by $9. She decided that it was essential to keep the same service for her clients, so she opted for Scheduled Backups ($2 for 10 websites $20), and the Advanced Client Report, at the price of $10 ($1 per website). Because of the nature of her business, where she brings added value to her clients with ManageWP, she was able to increase the price of her services. Also, switching to Orion, as adding websites to Orion is free for an unlimited number, she was able to add an extra 20 websites that she maintains pro bono for her family and friends.

Now after meeting all my friends hopefully you are able to find yourself in a similar situation as one of them. Try to identify which one of my friends uses ManageWP in the same way as you, and that way you can have a good idea of how to switch to our new pricing, as well as the costs you can expect.
Just to recap how our pricing and bundles work. The main thing to remember is that you will pay only if you enabled premium add-ons on a site, that way you avoid paying for features that you are not going to use. The bundles have been introduced, to make things cheaper for those of you with lots of websites. Tons of features as well as unlimited websites now comes free!
If there is someone (a specific user type) that I haven’t mentioned, or still there are unclear case scenarios, let me know and we can bring another person to the party, the more the merrier!
Well, I must say that I am surprised that some of us find the pricing confusing and the explanations patronising.
As I understand it – the basic rule is that you can have as many free sites as you like with an impressive standard set of features. If you need more features and/or greater flexibility, then you pay for that.
Importantly, you can have a mixture of free sites and, where you or your client need more features, you can give those sites with extra (paid-for) functionality. Also, and this is the really clever point, if you later decide you want to reduce the extras on one or more sites, you just switch them off.
If you are still confused, then just go for the the unlimited free sites option until you understand how, why and when you can benefit by paying for the extra features. For me its as simple as that.
Well done to the ManageWP team – you’ve given most of us an opportunity to save money in a market place that is usually characterised by rising costs! Just brilliant!
Cheers – from one very happy chappy!
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Will,
I couldn’t have said it better!
Should have you writing the next pricing article. 🙂
Thanks for your support and glad you are enjoying Orion.
Ok, so I did my price comparison…
I have 125 sites I actively manage and a 150 site plan. To get the complete bundles on ALL websites is an additional $262.94 per year over what I’m currently paying.
On the downside, it is additional money, and I’m probably paying for more than I need, as not all clients need the complete suite of products.
On the upside, the additional cost is roughly 2 1/2 hours of my time – over a YEAR. Since I use Manage WP on a daily basis, not only for plugin updates, but alerts, spam deletion, a few backups, as well as the heavy lifting of cloning websites, I’m guessing that the product saves me on average 2 hours of time PER WEEK. I’ll gladly make that trade.
Further, I’m running a business, and I offer my clients the ability to opt-in or opt-out of my ongoing security updates and maintenance. I charge a very modest amount, but even then, it more than covers what I pay for ManageWP. I consider this product to be a necessity to run my business efficiently.
I understand that charge is hard, and change is confusing, but I think the MWP team has made a sincere effort to try to explain and price it fairly. Further, their support is outstanding. Seriously outstanding. So I encourage folks to get past any initial sticker shock and think through the issues and benefits, and how the product fits in with running their business.
Just showin’ some love and givin’ credit where credit is due….
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Danna,
Your comment just made our day, thank you very much for your support. And honestly I couldn’t have said it better. It’s our pleasure helping you run your business more efficiently and we are glad to be a part of that.
Keep telling us what you like, and don’t like and we will do our best to accommodate everyone.
100% agree with every word. I’d also point out that the 2.5 hours will likely be made up many times over by not having to screw around with failed backups!
Nevena Tomovic
Thank you for your kind words, and I am very glad you are enjoying Orion.
How do we switch from ManageWP to Orion?
I’m using Orion, and I love it. The only issue is I can’t add more than 15 websites to it because that’s my limit in ManageWP. How do I get to access the unlimited amount of websites?
Nevena Tomovic
Hey there,
You will be able to asap Orion goes live. Expect it later today! 🙂
Top work. I’m on a free account, wanting to start paying via Orion, but “ManageWP Orion is not available to free users. Please upgrade your subscription to gain ManageWP Orion access” – Do i have to sign up on the old payment method prior to moving across to Orion?
Can’t wait guys, been really keen to get signed up. Great work.
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Jai,
Orion is free for everyone.. you are just a few hours early. Wait for the release, from this evening/tomorrow, everything should be free and working! 🙂
Thanks Nevena. The problem with being in the UK, we’re ahead of you 😉
Looking forward to the release.
I feel you.
ManageWP, France is looking too 😉
Purple Dog
So how do I actually switch? Looking at my account there seems to be no options in either dashboard?
Nevena Tomovic
It hasn’t happened yet. That’s why you can’t see it. You will be able to read a post on our new website all about the switch. Just a bit longer to wait 🙂
I thought 12 July was the scheduled release date. Is it already aired and if so, how can I set it up. I am now still limited to five sites.
Thank you for the great work!
Nevena Tomovic
Hey, it is today! But just hours to go.. you have to wait a little longer. 🙂
After a few months waiting, I guess I should be able to wait a few hours :p. Thank you!
Nevena Tomovic
🙂 Thanks!
Reiner Knudsen
After you edited this post it is much clearer and I more easily get to the information I need. Thanks.
Unlike others who are unhappy with the pricing model – you just CAN’T get everybody happy – I like the model. I am on a business account with currently just 5 sites to manage. i love the features, the reliability of your service, the dashboard, everything. Give me a native iOS app for management on the road and I will be completely happy 🙂 I am more than willing to pay for the service. It saved me multiple times.
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Reiner,
that’s great to hear. Great tips thank you! 🙂
What is the different between a basic client report (free version) and the advanced client report? Are you going to have Orion tutorials soon? I appreciate the time to figure this all out.
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Cami,
yep tutorials are on their way! Also we have a detailed user guide. The difference is in the ManageWP watermark, if you have the advanced reports you can remove our logo and also set a reply to email, these features are not available in the free.
a pricing table would be helpful. It took a few minutes to realize that my cost is going to go up by 150%!
In your examples, you jump from 7 websites to 90! what about us who have 30? I’ll go from $30/month to $90 with backups and uptime monitoring.
I use ManageWP primarily for cloning and backups. I use the backups primarily to make sure that i can roll back from many failed cloning processes.
My only disappointment in all of this is that when Orion’s pricing was initially announced there was a $1/month option for weekly backup frequency, which has been quietly removed.
Vladimir Prelovac
Good catch. The reason we did this was to simplify pricing and have just one backup add-on instead of three. Now you can adjust the backup frequency inside the tool.
On the other hand we decided to give the monthly cloud backup completely free for our users.
The monthly backup was already free before you removed the weekly one.
It is ok but do not try to justify it like we are stupid.
What happened to the hourly backups?
Can you explain how the new backups work now?
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Angel,
It wasn’t our intention to make you feel “stupid”. You can still adjust your backup to make it weekly, we have made it flexible now with the frequency. You can have hourly backups, daily, every 4 hours, it’s entirely up to you. The price goes up with the frequency. As soon as Orion goes live (we are hours away) you will be able to have a look at how it works, and use it for free for the month of July.
Hope that helps!
Theresa Jennings
Your image of the prices is pretty unreadable for me. The personas are confusing. Is there a place where we can see the prices, minus the personas, where it’s easy to read?
Nevena Tomovic
Apologies Theresa, has it become clearer now that it is edited? You will see all prices and explanation on your dashboard today as well, so that should clear things up a bit.
Hi, quick question, will the bundles be eligible for the legacy discounts?
To me the rest is pretty straight forward, I was once nervous about the pricing, but the more I follow it and the more your explain, the more comfortable I am. The short of it is, your product make me money, for that I am grateful.
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Nate, we will honor all current ManageWP subscribers and allow you to transfer your legacy subscription to ManageWP Orion. 🙂 We edited it above, so have a look and you can get all of the answers there.
Awesome, I have about 70 sites, but even if I purchase the bundle for 100 I will be saving money.
A will look at breaking it up, but not sure it would be worth it.
Nevena Tomovic
Brilliant, yea play around with it in July while it’s free and you will see what you like the most/what pays off.
Nevena, thanks for your article and great attitude! Orion is light years ahead of the Classic environment. It’s a whole new product and so much more stable than the Classic. I have a lot of confidence in the platform, which I never did with Classic. I haven’t even looked at Classic for month. Free, $10, $50/month, honestly we are talking about such a small amount of money for such great features that it doesn’t matter. The time savings from managing a dozen sites easily from one place is worth it. I appreciate that you have made so many options. Nothing worse than paying for a bunch of features you’ll never use—like when they want to bundle home phone in with internet and cable—who uses a land line? Great features here, great product, great pricing. Congrats on a job well done. Look forward to Monday.
Nevena Tomovic
Thank you very much. I am glad you are enjoying Orion. And yes, who uses a landline? 🙂 I still don’t get that, although I have one at home. Thanks for your positive attitude and looking forward to the launch.
Hello Nevena. I understand that each scenario in regards to cost is different depending on how you use Orion, but I would just like to say that you have done a great job with Orion.
And whereas some might find the article above condesending, it was actually a brilliant way to put costs into a real world perspective.
Thanks again, and remember that every negative comment you receive… There are 10 more people who appreciate what you do but don’t hav time to pen it. Keep up the good work.
Nevena Tomovic
Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you to say. 🙂
Just an FYI………i did not feel as if i was being sold to or being talking down to. Your product has helped me tremendously. My time is Valuable!
Nevena Tomovic
Thank you! It wasn’t my intention to talk anyone down, just to put pricing into perspective. Thanks for your positive feedback.
I may have missed this in the huge post above – but….you previously said existing customers would be grandfathered in:
‘We’re grandfathering all active subscribers. As long as your Classic subscription is active, you’ll get what you paid for. Your plans will work the same way they do now, and the legacy plans will have the following Orion tools:
Business: Daily Orion Backups, SEO Ranking, White Label, Uptime Monitor
Professional: Daily Orion Backups
Standard: Manual only Orion Backups (not available as a separate tool)’
Is this still the case ?
I am a professional customer with 27 websites paying $21 (exc VAT) a month currently, using a daily Orion backup, that should stay the same price right ?
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Ian,
Yes don’t worry we will talk more about this all on Monday. You will get a detailed explanation how grandfathering will work exactly.
We haven’t forgotten 🙂
Agree with other posters, that was a total waste of time.
We’re not confused because we’re idiots, we’re confused because you’ve set up a confusing pricing schedule.
Telling us stories is a bit condescending in my opinion :-/
Bowe Frankema
This is very harsh.. I think the pricing is not confusing, it’s flexible for different types of users. That means you have to spend a little time to figure out what type of user YOU are, and then picking a plan/model that fits your needs. It’s a massive improvement for virtually all customers!
Nevena Tomovic
Thanks Bowe. Dear Vee I am sorry this is confusing and I understand that anything new is at the beginning a bit confusing. We have all of our customers best interest in mind, we wanted to create a way that more free features are available for everyone, and give you ultimately the most flexible pricing plan out there. It wasn’t my intention to be condescending, apologies for that.
I appreciate your efforts guys to make this clearer, but unfortunately this post misses its goal.
What I am interested in is to CLEARLY understand what this means for my situation, not the situation of your imaginary friends that are handpicked to come out good and save tons of money in 5 out of 7 situations. The idea to document your new pricing structure with imaginary cases is fine, but then your initial information should be clear, concise and easy to understand in the first place.
I am not sure how much time I have spent over the last months trying to grasp what the switch will mean to me, and more importantly to figure out -with the changes – if Orion will be the platform that I will continue to use as my company grows.
To me – and apparently to others too – it is still not clear what functionality will be left over in the free version and what will be a paid feature. Things like cloning, manual backups, subdomains as staging sites etc … How does this all translate to Orion? A clear (albeit long) feature list with what is included in what version/add-on is what I am missing.
And I haven’t touched on migration strategy for existing customers.
Honestly, I am considering to no longer spend my valuable time on trying to figure this out, but figure out alternative strategies an solutions to take my company into the future.
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Kristof,
The image at the beginning of the post should tell you what features we are offering for free and what are our paid premium features. There is a lot more free features in Orion than in the Classic. Regarding staging sites and subdomains, you don’t have to worry, as in Orion adding websites is for free. So you can add an unlimited number of websites at no extra cost. Manual backups and clone are premium features. You will have to pay for them.
Migration strategy for existing customers will become very clear on Monday. We didn’t want to put everything in one article to avoid confusion. Don’t worry we haven’t left that bit out.
I understand that this is all confusing and can be off-putting, but we are only a few days away and as soon as the migration is over and you get used to Orion, you will hopefully prefer it to the Classic.
I’m still tripping on this sentence…. you can have a good idea of *how* to switch to our new pricing.
How exactly? How do I select a bundles? How do I select which sites need which add-on products?
I don’t see any options in my current subscription that allows me to check off what I want or don’t want.
Perhaps they will be available on the 12th?
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Danna,
Exactly on the 12 July you will get to see everything in your dashboard. There will be a price next to each feature, you will get a summary price and you will be able to monitor your spendings.
I don’t see legacy discounts mentioned. Has that quietly disappeared or will our discount survive the move to Orion?
Nevena Tomovic
Hey, we haven’t forgotten them don’t worry. Just didn’t want to make the article even more confusing, we will chat more about them on Monday.
Will we get an email letting us know our price if we continue using what we have? I have a LOT of sites in Manage WP and I can’t tell which one of these plans is going to match up with me but it seems like my pricing could triple what I pay now! That’s very disconcerting after having been a loyal client for so many years.
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Amy,
Don’t worry we won’t just start charging you the equivalent in Orion. Firstly you will be able to play with the features and pricing for two weeks for free, so you can set up the best possible system for yourself. Also, you will be able to stick to your current plan in the Classic if you don’t like the new Orion pricing from the beginning. It will all become much clearer when it goes live, and we are all here for you to help you make the switch.
I’ve set pricing with my clients based on the cost of what I was paying for my ManageWP service. I can’t triple their price because my rates here triple.
S Chello
Can you please just list the costs for features and bundles somewhere and both a straight up page without the sales story BS? I just wasted 10 minutes of my lie reading this and still know nothing of how the new pricing will affect my status.
Agree – just give me a summary table. I too have wasted my time reading the above hypothetical scenarios!
Thanks – Ken
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Ken and S Chello,
Apologies for the additional reading time, wasn’t my intention for it to be sales, just to put it into perspective. You do have a summary, that’s the first image in the article. The prices are there. You will also have them on July 12 on your dashboard. Each feature will have it’s cost on the dashboard and as you click on them you will see the total price of everything you have added, so that should help you in knowing exactly how much it’s costing you.
The top infographic helps a lot but if you changed your infographic titles, you could be much clearer I think. Like this:
“Premium Addons /month” —> “Premium Addons. Priced per month, per install.”
“Premium Bundles /month” —> “Premium Bundles. Price per month for up to 100 installs.”
This is much clearer to me.
So what happens after the switch? When I log in on Wednesday, all our sites will still have backups active as long as we have already configured the backups in the Orion mirror, correct? We have the ManageWP Classic Professional 30 site package. Looks like our cost will go up a bit to keep automatic backups for all 30 sites :/ $45 now to $60.
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Eric, thank you for your suggestion for the infographic.
Yes what you have used in Orion stays, don’t worry you won’t lose anything thats certain! On Monday we will take everyone through the steps of what’s going to happen, so everything will be explained. Hopefully with a less confusing infographic 🙂
With regards to the price, you are correct. Don’t forget you get a lot more free features and an unlimited number of websites to add.
ShariLee Beynon
Why can’t you just make a presentation side-by-side so it wouldn’t be so confusing to decide which of your categories I would like to use? I went through
those boxes above, and it is TMI! Thanks, ShariLee
Nevena Tomovic
Hey ShariLee,
Sorry about that! But when it’s live in the dashboard it should all make sense. You will be able to choose the features, see how much you are paying and it’s that simple 🙂
How are websites counted? In the current version of the software, test.ncsu.edu and test2.ncsu.edu, only take up one license. Does Orion count this as one or two?
I believe this is going to count as two in Orion, unfortunately.
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Dan, yep that is two websites, but the addition of websites is completely free. So adding them both won’t cost you anything and you can take advantage of the free features on both of them.
ouch… that will increase my costs by 9x what I’m currently paying. You’ve just lost another customer.
Not sur if i understand correctly.
I managed 35 Website with backup + uptime. I paid 60$ actually (Professional Plan).
With Orion :
35*2 (backup)+35*1 (uptime) = 105$ ?
Or 100$ for the backup and uptime premium. Still 40$ more than actually :/
Or 150$ for the full bundle…for 100 website, but it’s 55 website too much.
Hope i misunderstood 🙁
I have the same situation as you. Any way I look at it, I will pay 40% more for less features. If I include all the features that are available now I will be paying double or triple. Am I missing something here? I thought new plans would cost less and not more???
Nevena Tomovic
The premium feature per say is more expensive, but that way we made more of our features available for free. So you won’t be getting less features at all. You will be getting many more, don’t forget all of the free features that you get before you even start choosing the ones you wish to pay for. You should still be getting the most out of your money.
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Seb,
You are correct, Orion pricing per feature is more expensive when you add it like that. However, we allow you to add as many websites as you want and you get a lot more of the free tools that were paid in our previous plans, like Code Snippets, Manage User and Collaborators, Google Analytics, this can be used on all of your websites. Also, Orion backups have been improved significantly, we have now made a bulletproof backup solution.
I understand it’s a bit of a shock, but in the long run it is meant to help everyone have more features and better quality.
Assumes that orion was not available. When in fact, it always was, with included backups, uptimes, stats, etc.
Suggest that the managewp really look hard at pricing- back in the day, vendors did this style of pricing- base price plus add ons, huge revolt- people hate getting nickeled and dimed. Now everyone in the SaaS world is flat pricing, 3 tiers, that’s it. I am and have found alternative at cheaper price than I am paying now.
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Jeff,
Apologies that you are not happy with the pricing and I understand your point of view. Our aim was to make more quality features available for free for everyone, and the ones that are premium have been improved significantly. It also gives people the flexibility with their pricing plans, prioritising some websites over others.
Our pricing gives people the opportunity to really choose what they spend their money on, and not be constrained to a 3 tier plan.
That’s great to have free monthly backups for those sites that rarely change. Can you clone from this free backup, or just restore?
Nevena Tomovic
Hey Annie, no we are not offering the Clone with the free backups. You can only restore.
where i purchase this orion now? only day 12?
Nevena Tomovic
You can start using it for free on July 12 for 2 weeks, you will only be charged from August 1.
ARS Cons.
Poor Kevin and Sasha, who have to manually generate 500 client reports every month, and key in every client’s email info…
Nevena Tomovic
They will get some help with the upcoming automation 🙂 it’s on our list of things to do, post launch!
Please also improve the white-labelling of the reports, currently useless for us, but a feature we desperately need.