When you hear the term “WordPress security”, first thing you think of is endlessly recycled “10 steps to make your WordPress websites secure” articles. Unfortunately, those articles cover only a small fraction of vulnerabilities your website has. In reality, WordPress security goes beyond Wordfence and Sucuri plugins. Beyond a couple of .htaccess and wp-config settings.
WordPress security is a state of mind
WordPress is a complex CMS, and if you’re not ready to take medical advice from a website peddling magic crystals, you shouldn’t follow the steps outlined in security articles and call it a day.

We need to be vigilant and proactive. I mentioned previously Orion tools that monitor your website for you, and other tools that help you restore a compromised website. Today I’m going to talk about something even more straightforward: user access and passwords.
I hate passwords. I hate changing passwords, remembering them, but I change them all the time. Why? A surprising number of all attacks happen either because of bad passwords or because former employees still have access to their login credentials.
Periodically changing passwords is good practice, because there’s an endless number of ways someone could get a hold of your password. The problem is when you have over a dozen passwords to change – you have better things to do, and your passwords are left unchanged for months.
This is where Manage Users in Orion comes in!
ManageWP Orion takes care of password changing by turning 30 minutes of work into 30 seconds. Nothing to stop you now from keeping your site secure.
How to change a password with Manage Users in Orion
Simply select the website(s), and you will get a list of users. The first 100 users per website will be shown (listed by username), but if there are more you can simply click the “load more” button and have access to all of them. You are then able to choose the users whose password you wish to change. You can select one or multiple users, and then change their password instantly across all the sites where they have any user role.

How to delete a user with Manage Users in Orion
If you’re running a business, you have the problem of people joining and leaving your team. I know that they’re all great people and all, but security does not rely on an honor system. Changing the username and password that the employee used is good practice, and it’s quite simple to do:
The process is rather straightforward, and similar to changing the password. Again, select the websites and get the list of all users across them. Manage Users has a smart option of merging users with the same username and email across all websites, so you won’t get duplicates. Then simply select one or more users you would like to delete and press the Delete button. As in native WordPress, you have the option to completely delete the users content, or, preferably, to assign it to another users on that website. No more headaches with ex-employees.

How to add new users with Manage Users in Orion
But not everything is gloom and doom, and more often than not, you’d like to have more people come and join your editorial team. Luckily, adding new users across multiple sites is easier then ever. Select the websites where you’d like to add them and click add user. Then simply fill in their info, select their role and you’re good to go!

Improvements over the Classic ManageWP
Every time we are making changes our main aim is to save you time and effort. This tool is no exception to the rule. It’s better in performance, faster and easier to manage. As explained above, it’s a piece of cake to add or delete users, as well as make changes to their passwords and accounts – it’s all one click away. It’s a smart tool that allows you to filter users by sites, at a glance see their role on each site and manage their content. Instead of manually having to make tedious changes, you can change everything you need in a matter of seconds. What’s not to like?
Keep it simple and try out Manage Users in Orion.
Can you add more than 1 client per account, so that the reports are sent to multiple email addresses?
Nemanja Aleksic
You can assign 1 client per website, but each client could have multiple emails. Click the client tab on the left sidebar, and when you edit the client info, put as many emails as you need, separated by commas.
Hope that helps!
How do we add/delete users to ManageWP? That was one of the things I thought would come with this (awesome) plugin. Being able to delegate to someone else – but not through WP site, through ManageWP.
Nemanja Aleksic
Hey Melissa,
Here’s the article from our knowledgebase that covers user management, including adding and deleting users:
iPhone 8
managewp is must needed for those who have articles writers in bulk like me. it is very helpful for me. Thank you.
Is it possible to translate client reports? Id like to do this.
Nemanja Aleksic
It will be possible very soon. We also plan on giving you more freedom to customize the layout of your client report, so it could match your brand identity.
The limit of users of 250 is a bit of a problem for some of us. I have single membership sites that have over 1000 members / users so this limitation means in the most useful case for the toll it isn’t useful.
Nice new feature but needs to be completed out. Id suggest finish of existing features to a better level before adding new ones. I would, for example, like an SMTP gateway for my customer reports and a schedule for performance and security scanning more than a user manager.
Nemanja Aleksic
The idea is to check off everything from the Orion roadmap before we start working on improving the existing tools:
BTW scheduled Performance and Security Check are at the top of our to-do list after we complete the roadmap.
In add new user the email field (required) will only accep one character
Nemanja Aleksic
Thanks for letting us know, Rob. We’ll improve the email verification ASAP.
I cannot tell which website the user is on.
Nemanja Aleksic
Could you give me more info? When you click on a user, his roles and websites should be listed on the right. Is this what you’re seeing?
This is great – but on sites where I use custom roles (i.e. s2Member) only the administrator shows. Will custom roles be supported in the future?
Nemanja Aleksic
They will be, but only on single site view. It could become a huge mess if the tool tried to show custom roles across multiple websites.