How to Offer Professional WordPress Maintenance Service

As we all know by now, WordPress maintenance is all those tasks we do to keep our and our clients’ sites up-to-date and healthy. Just because we built a site doesn’t mean it’s all done; maintaining a website is crucial to ensure it keeps running smoothly.

This is a short version of the pitch, which only a few people will take as is. So, here is the longer one, with more details, substance, and on-point reasoning so your clients really see the value of your offering.

When and why is professional WordPress maintenance service needed?

WordPress maintenance is much like housekeeping, making sure that your household is running smoothly and without anything holding it back. So, you take care of any installation and database optimization, have regular performance tests, check for and fix broken links, and ensure ongoing backups—all necessary to ensure that the website is fully and well-operated. It’s a process that should be done frequently, from month to month, some every three to six months, depending on various factors.

Common challenges website owners face

Among many things any and every business with their online presence should have website maintenance are:

Security: Without proper WordPress maintenance, sites are open and vulnerable to security breaches, hacking, and malware.

Performance: Not maintaining website loading times and performance can be tied to traffic decreases and poor user experience, which might negatively affect business owners.

Data loss: Lack of regular maintenance puts website owners at risk of losing data due to server issues, software failures, or security breaches.

Decreased ranking: Keeping the site outdated with plugins, themes, and content even harms SEO and can potentially impact search engine rankings.

Overall, whether your clients have one or many sites, professional WordPress maintenance helps ensure they can be safe in doing their business, knowing there’s a reliable system in place for website performance and security.

Which factors determine the dynamics of WordPress maintenance?

Prevention is better than a cure. In this context, determining when and how often WordPress maintenance should be done depends on the following:

Website complexity

More robust and complex website designs with custom features usually need more frequent maintenance than those that are plain and simple, so make sure to add that to the equation.

Type of business

Larger businesses and companies need more regular and ongoing WordPress maintenance to maintain user experience and brand reputation. Just ask Taylor Swift and her team about maintaining her site; just saying 😊

Number of plugins and themes

Sites with more plugins, widgets, and themes often need professional WordPress maintenance help, so go through all the installations to see which ones are must-haves and which ones you can go on without. Sometimes, sites don’t need all the plugins or might have similar ones—all those have certain compatibility and/or security issues.

Website Traffic

Websites with occasional or regular high-traffic volumes—like our friend Taylor, who has one of those daily—often require frequent maintenance to manage server load, optimize performance, and ensure a seamless user experience.

Update frequency

How often does the site update its content, add new media files, or add functionality that impacts the WordPress maintenance dynamics? Websites with frequent changes need more regular attention to ensure they operate smoothly.

How much does it cost to maintain a WordPress website?

Again, the exact price of WordPress maintenance is related to the above-explained factors and the overall website complexity. It can be anywhere from $30 to $5000/month, which shouldn’t scare you or your clients off. Just explain everything that’s included and what it does in full detail. One of the main selling points of professional WordPress maintenance service is that it saves time and nerves while letting your clients focus on other parts of their business.

To give you a general idea of the website maintenance cost, use this table as a starting point:

WordPress website typeMonthly WordPress maintenance cost
Personal website$30–60/month
Industry blog$50-100/month
Small business website$50-200/month
Medium business website$200-500/month
Corporate website$500-4000/month
eCommerce website$500-5000/month

Again, these numbers are just an estimate. The exact cost depends on the site’s size and functionality. Although professional WordPress maintenance may seem like an additional expense, it saves them money in the long run by preventing costly downtime, security breaches, and unforeseen issues.

On the other hand, there is a free DIY option: each of your clients can perform themselves—in theory. However, it is beyond time-consuming and often not well-informed, not to mention execution can go wrong for any number of reasons.

What are the benefits of hiring professional maintenance services?

Having a dedicated person or an agency that keeps a site safe and well-operated gives businesses peace of mind. It’s like having a reliable team member whose only work is making sure they can focus on what they do best – running a business. It also relates to:

·        Improved Safety: Proper maintenance enhances the safety and security of your property, creating a comfortable environment for residents or employees.

·        Time and Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing maintenance tasks saves your clients valuable time and money by avoiding hiring and managing in-house staff or doing everything by themselves.

·        Consistency: You offer consistent and reliable support, ensuring their websites are consistently in top condition.

·        Preventative Maintenance: Regular upkeep helps identify and address any minor issues before they escalate into major problems, saving your clients from costly repairs and upkeep down the line. Better safe than sorry, folks!

How do you offer professional WordPress maintenance services?

We can sum it up into these specific steps:

Make sure to clearly define the maintenance services you provide, create service packages tailored to different client needs, and develop service agreements to protect your agency and clients. Use WordPress management tools, such as our ManageWP to automate a good portion of maintenance tasks, market your services continuously, and always provide exceptional responsive customer support to maintain strong client relationships.

This article will serve as a guide to how to position yourself to your clients when offering maintenance services. It will give you clarity and just the right words to showcase your value and expertise. And, if you need more help, we have another detailed explainer piece on outsourcing WordPress maintenance your clients can benefit from, too.

Ivana Cirkovic

Ivana is a digital marketer and content strategist with a talent for copywriting and storytelling. She is passionate about finding the perfect words to capture the essence of a message or brand.


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