This is part I of a two-part guide. You can find the second post here.
Out of the box, WordPress is fairly well optimized for search engines. However, if you want to go beyond “basic” search engine optimization, you will need to install a plugin.
Which brings us to a two horse race between All in One SEO Pack and WordPress SEO by Yoast. It is not the purpose of this post to pit these two plugins against each other, but in a nutshell, SEO by Yoast has more features and I prefer it by a distance. If you care to search around the web for other opinions, you will find that most people feel the same way.
Although the plugin’s power and functionality can be somewhat overwhelming to new users, in reality, it is pretty easy to set up and use. This two-part guide will tell you everything that you need to know.
What About Your Theme’s SEO Features?
There are two very good reasons as to why you should not use a specific theme’s SEO features:
- If or when the time comes to switch themes, taking your SEO settings with you may be very difficult (or impossible)
- SEO by Yoast is typically the superior option
When you have a theme developer as huge as WooThemes deprecating their SEO features in favor of SEO by Yoast, you know that you’re dealing with a quality product.
Getting Started with SEO by Yoast
The wealth of options available to you when you first install SEO by Yoast can be rather overwhelming, but the plugin is in fact very simple to use. It shouldn’t take longer than 15 minutes or so to get everything set up to your liking.
When setting up the plugin, everything you need to access can be found under the “SEO” item in your WordPress sidebar:
The Dashboard
There’s not a great deal to do via the dashboard, but I would recommend that you allow tracking:

There’s no downside to this — it will help Joost de Valk to improve the plugin, and the data is completely anonymous. It’s the least we can do, given that the plugin is completely free.
You also have an option under the dashboard to disable the advanced SEO meta box on post pages. You really only need to do this if you have authors working on your blog that you would not trust with the advanced functionality. Otherwise, you may find use in those settings (as we will explore in part two of this guide).
Finally, you can use SEO by Yoast to easily authorize your Webmaster Tools account(s). I would recommend that you set up your site with Google Webmaster Tools at a bare minimum.
Titles & Metas
Setting your titles and metas is probably the most important element of onsite SEO, so you don’t want to rush this step. Meta titles are displayed in a browser’s title bar and often in search engine results. Meta descriptions are also often displayed in search engine results, and can make all the difference in persuading someone to click through to your site.
This section of the plugin is divided into six tabs:

There are a few settings you will want to take a look at on the General tab. First of all, you need to make sure that the changes you make within SEO by Yoast are actually being implemented on the front end. If they’re not, you will want to check the “Force rewrite titles” box.
Beyond that, there are a few other settings, but none of them are particularly vital. However, I would recommend that you noindex subpages of archives — having Google index those pages isn’t really of benefit, and you don’t really want to bog spiders down with duplicate content.
Moving onto the “Home” tab, you have the opportunity to set the meta title and description for your home page. You will have the opportunity to use your website’s name as defined in your WordPress settings by using the %%sitename%% tag. You can find a list of all available tags under the “Help” tab.
If you are on Google+, you will want to add your profile URL here, so that your author image shows up in search engine results:

The “Post Types”, “Taxonomies” and “Other” tabs all allow you to set meta titles and descriptions across pages, posts and various taxonomies on your site:

As you can see, there are also a few additional options. You will want meta robots to noindex any taxonomy pages that have no relevant use on your site. For instance, you might not use tags (should you?). You may also wish for the date to be removed from the snippet preview (i.e. what a searcher sees as part of the result). Finally, you can choose to remove the WordPress SEO meta box from the edit screen for posts/pages/taxonomies.
In the “Other” tab, you will also have the opportunity to completely disable author and date-based archives. Unless you are running a multi-author blog, or the archiving of your content by date is somehow important, I would recommend disabling both.
There are few bloggers out there these days who are unaware of the importance of social signals. As such, you should take a moment to ensure that your site is tightly integrated with popular social networks — namely Facebook and Twitter. You may want to use plugins for social promotion.
Your first option in the Social screen is to add OpenGraph meta data to your site:
This data will allow Facebook to pull the relevant pieces of information (title, image, description) from any given page on your site that is linked to from within the social network. You may wish to set front page and default images too. I would also recommend adding Twitter card meta data whilst you’re at it too, assuming that you have a Twitter account.
You can also add yourself as a Facebook admin on this page in order to access Insights for your site. If you are logged into Facebook, this should just be as simple as clicking the “Add Facebook Admin” button.
XML Sitemaps
You should always endeavor to make it easy for search engine spiders to navigate your site, and creating an XML sitemap is one way of doing that.
A sitemap is essentially a list of all the pages on your site that you would like search engines to index. With SEO by Yoast, creating a sitemap that automatically updates is possible with just the click of a button:

There are also a few additional options on the page that may be of interest. Given that the option to ping and is offered, I see no harm in enabling them. You also have the option to exclude specific content types and taxonomies from the sitemap.
This is perhaps the most confusing of settings screens, but to be honest, you don’t need to touch anything here. You may wish to explore the options available to you, but I don’t touch anything on this screen.
Update: We wrote a guide for setting up permalinks
Internal Links
This screen is not really appropriately worded, as it actually offers you the ability set up “breadcrumbs” for your site, which are essentially a navigational element:

As you can see from the Internal Links screen, you have a variety of options relating to the presentation of breadcrumbs:

Once you have set the breadcrumbs as you would like, you have to insert the relevant code into the appropriate theme file of your site. Full instructions for this process can be found here, but it may be a little over complicated if you are relatively new to WordPress.
RSS scraping is common practice amongst less than scrupulous webmasters. Fortunately, SEO by Yoast offers an effective way of combating it, by allowing you to place dynamic content before or after posts that are viewed via RSS:

You could of course use this feature to include any HTML content you would like, such as sharing buttons.
Import & Export
This page should be pretty self-explanatory — it allows you to import and export SEO data from other plugins/themes. If you are switching from another product (as opposed to starting from scratch), you will want to use this feature.
Edit Files
Finally, SEO by Yoast offers you the handy ability to edit two files that are often important for SEO — your robots.txt and .htaccess files. If you do not understand the purpose of these files then I would recommend you leave them well alone. If on the other hand you want to make amendments, this is a convenient place to do it.
What’s Next?
The above represents just about everything you need to do in terms of setting site-wide options in SEO by Yoast.
However, the plugin also offers up a raft of features on a per post/page basis, which we are going to tackle in part two of this guide next week. Stay tuned!
Jane Hogan
OK! Stupidest question ever………..if I had the theme SEO set up and optimised before I installed YOAST, do I need to delete the old SEO titles, meta etc from the theme SEO? I read somewhere that YOAST would be favoured and just overwrite the old SEO, however, the old SEO is still showing in the SERP and I am being told that 2 meta descriptions now exist. I installed YOAST about 6 months ago so it’s not because my site hasn’t been crawled.
Hello dear what is use of taxonomies in general settings of yoast ??????
please sir i have been trying to implement the yoast breadcrums into my profit mag theme but it is not working , please can you give me a guild line or tell me the best theme to use
jasa seo
updates are now more powerful, more quickly indexed by google
Ashish Goswami
No doubt,it’s the best SEO pluging
best SEO plugin ever
Tom Ewer
Glad you like it!
Thanks for sharing this unique and helpful post
Justin at Chomp Digital
Great write up on Yoast. In the last few months I saw a lot of requests about editinh the main SEO elements from the front-end so I developed a plugin if you or anyone is interested. Search Front-End SEO Editor for WordPress or follow the link attached to my name. Yoast is still the king!
Abid Pasha
I have an issue setting up yoast as per my requirements.
For example, I have 100 posts tagged in two categories; WordPress and Seo(being two categories). I want to generate an automatic meta description set and i want to call article title and its category, but the problem is I only want to call WordPress(%%category%%) and leave SEO category from all the Meta descriptions of my website.
Any Solution?
Tom Ewer
I’m not sure that’s possible to be honest, but I can’t say for sure.
Thanks for the detailed explanation bro. After reading this I have just made couple of adjustments, specially disabling date-based archive and noindex subpages of archives.
And for my other sites (including this one) I use post title template as %%title%% only, but when I check through Google everytime I find that my posts Title are indexing as Title+Sitename. Any idea why this is happening? Your advise would be helpful for me.
Tom Ewer
Hi Shahrukh,
Two potential reasons:
1. Google hasn’t re-crawled your site yet and noticed the changes (most likely)
2. Google has taken it upon itself to define your titles as it sees fit (less likely)
Fin O'Suilleabhain
Thanks for the clear info which I’ve found a useful complement to Joost’s own tutorial (which people need to read). One small problem I have is that following your recommendation and clicking the blue “Add Facebook Admin” button, in the ‘Social’ section, produces only a 404 error on my site. Anyone know what might be going on there?
When you get to your 404 page, the url will be something like this:
Simply remove the part at the end that says something like this:
and then press enter
Great article. The first thing I did was change the permalinks. It makes sense that it would be better for SEO. I’ve also added Yoast as recommended and we’ll se how it owrks out. Thanks!
I will change the theme to Made Magazine and convert post types to reviews, and the permalinks will change. At the moment I am using Seo Ultimage. Can Yoast handle this change of this permalinks?
Tom Ewer
I’m not sure I fully understand the question as my first thought would be that changing your permalinks is not a great idea!
Achin Jain
Can we add snippet with Yoast SEO to our wordpress posts.
Cees Coenen
Hi, great tutorial.
I’m using Yoast with Headway and Shopp.
I’ve one post it won’t be found bij Google. Bing do find it!
Can anybody tell me of there is something wrong?
I’m using an post and an product for publishing an product. Is that duplicate content?
Great tutorial but wondering where is Part 2? Might be worth linking at bottom of both to revert to each other. Found some other interesting posts here as well!
Charnita Fance
Hi Andrew,
You can find Part 2 here:
Great plugin and great tutorial. I would like to know if it is ok to let all the preset settings as they are. Is there something that I should change without discussion?
Thank You.
Tom Ewer
Hi Tybby,
All of the vital stuff is covered in these two posts, so unless your site is unique in some way, you should be okay on the rest!
George Thiess
I am a small business owner in Costa Rica tired of dealing with web developers, so I am trying to learn a bit and do some DIY SEO, but I have no idea what breadcrumbs and Taxonomies are. I also know absolutely nothing about programming or HTML. Any advice anyone can give would be greatly apprecited.
Taxonomy – a way of organizing your content. For example a WordPress “Post” as opposed to a WordPress “Page” has Categories and Tags. These are Taxonomies.
A Breadcrumb is used on many – not all or even most – websites and is often at the top of the page, below the header and above the content. It might say, for example:
You Are Here: Home-Blog-My-Amazing-Blog-Post
They allow you to navigate back to where you started, often, though again, not always.
Best of luck with your small business! 🙂
Where %%sep%% is pulled from? Can it be replaced with – or | with the same results?
Tom Ewer
From memory it’s pulled from the WordPress core and you’d have to dig into that to change it.
Thanks for the great guide. i really like the plugin and it is what i have used for my site ( which is just 2 months old and so far so good.
Tom Ewer
No problem 🙂
Best WordPress SEO plugin available, Yoast.
Thanks for sharing it with the community.
For those who don’t read Yoast’s blog I don’t miss it – you shouldn’t either.