General FAQ

Answers to all common questions that you might have and a bit more.


What are ManageWP IP addresses?

You can find a list that contains all our IP addresses here.

Where do I submit ManageWP feature requests?

In order to help us make a better product, send us your feedback or a feature request by clicking on your Login details in the upper-right corner of the dashboard and clicking the Send Feedback button.

What WordPress hosting do you recommend?

If you are looking for quality Managed WordPress Hosting, our recommendation is a newly released GoDaddy Pro Managed WordPress. Although, you might be worried because of the name that stands behind the hosting, we encourage you to try it, we have been testing it and we can say that it’s an advanced WordPress hosting platform with pro-ready features and integrated tools to build and manage sites and clients, all from one place. It’s tailored to web professionals who are looking to grow their business, it’s run on PHP 7, includes free SSL, and offers an independently scalable environment. On top of that, it was built to work flawlessly with ManageWP. 


How to Connect Google Analytics to your ManageWP Dashboard?

In order to connect Google Analytics to your ManageWP Dashboard, follow the steps explained here.

How to optimize my WordPress website (including comments)?

In order to optimize your WordPress website, you should go to the Dashboard, on the Sidebar on the left, and then follow the steps described here.
You will find the Comments Widget right next to the Optimization Widget.

What format do I need for my CSV file to upload bulk websites to ManageWP?

To add bulk websites to ManageWP using the import file, you need to make sure that you’re formatting the CSV file in the following way:,username,password

If you create a CSV spreadsheet, you need to use rows to separate websites. You can either put information about the website in the same column following the order above (each website needs to be in the new row), or you should use the first column for a website URL, the second for username and the third one for the password. For the URL you can either write:


All of the URL formats are accepted. Note that you can just put the URL without the password and username, we will then ask you for these credentials in the next step. If you do decide to include them, make sure you put both the username and password.


How can I change my Avatar?

We pull the avatar from your Gravatar account. In order to change it, you are click on your login details in the top-right corner and click the Settings button. Navigate to Profile tab, and click Change Avatar button. You will be redirected to Log in with your account, and change your picture there. Once this is done, ManageWP will pick up the change.

How to increase your account security with Two Factor Authentication?

If you want to increase your account security with Two Factor Authentication, you can read about it here.


Where can I set the number of daily backups?

You can do that on the single website backup screen under “Backup Settings”.

How can I turn on backups on all of my websites?

In the main dashboard in the backups widget, click on “Backups not enabled” and you will see the “Turn On All” button.

I have backups set on ManageWP Classic and/or have done updates on ManageWP Classic, but they are not showing in Orion History and Client Report?

ManageWP Classic and Orion are two separate dashboards, we are mirroring your websites and information about available updates and cleanups. For updates to be shown in Client Report, you would have to do them directly in Orion. Backups are also not connected and you will have to set new backups in Orion.

For how long are backups being saved?

The backups are stored for 90 days, and you are able to use a backup from 3 months ago as a restore point. If you remove the website from your dashboard, backups will be stored for a week, and if the website is reconnected in that period the backups will be there.

How do I remove my ManageWP SSH key from my server?

If you don’t need to use SSH key to restore or clone a website anymore, you can remove the SSH key from your server.

Navigate to ~/.ssh folder on your server and open authorized_keys file. Find the key with managewp comment at the end and remove it.

In what timezone are backups scheduled?

The backups are scheduled and triggered according to the timezone that is set for your account. The timezone could be changed under Settings > General section.


Can I schedule Client Reports?

Automated Client Reports are supported in ManageWP, find out more about scheduling your Client Reports here.

Can I schedule Performance Checks?

Yes, you are able to schedule Performance Checks for your websites in ManageWP. Find out more about it here.

How does the ManageWP Security Scan work?

Orion has a sophisticated security scan in place. The security check scans the pages on your website and compares the code against the known malware knowledge base. It also performs a blacklist check with a number of services, like Google Safe Browsing, Norton Safe Web, ESET, etc. It is flagging certain site errors, outdated software and vulnerability issues as well.

Security scan has one more great feature. If your site has debug.log present in wp-content folder or if the scan detects that WP_DEBUG is set to TRUE in your wp-config.php file, the results will show that the website is insecure.

Does the ManageWP Security Scan clean my website as well?

If by any chance your website has been infected you will get a detailed report and a list of all the infected files. We do not offer cleaning services, it’s down to you to clean your website. You can always use a clean backup to get your website up and running again or attack the malware head on by hiring a professional to do the cleaning for you.

Can I schedule a Security Check?

You are able to schedule your Security checks and always track if your websites are secure. You can find more details about this feature here.

Is there a way to request security checks on multiple sites at once?

As an added feature on our existing Security Scan, we are planning in the near future to create the possibility to schedule your scans and receive automated reports of those scans.

How is the SEO – Competitor Visibility Score being calculated?

Competitors visibility score can go from 0, if the competitor is not ranked for the keyword you entered, to a 100, if a competitor is ranked first on Google for the keyword you entered. Please note that it is important to remember to consider the region of the keyword that you wish to rank for. The rank depends on the tracking region of the keyword.
On each individual website you are allowed to add up to a 100 keywords, although the recommended number is no higher than 20.

This is how the competitor visibility score is calculated. On a single website, if a competitor score is 60 for the primary keyword, and 50 on the second, the overall result for this competitor will be 55.

How do you detect my SEO competitors?

For some website to be your competitor, it needs to have at least 60% of your ranking, meaning that you need to have at least 60% of the keywords, found at some of your competitors. (excluded google, yahoo, youtube, etc.)

Client Report

What format do I need for my CSV file to upload custom work notes in Client Report?

To add custom work notes in Client Report using the import file, you need to make sure that you’re formatting the CSV file in the following way:

date,task name,description

Here’s an example:

2019-03-15,Work I did,Plugin and theme update

If you create a CSV spreadsheet, you need to use rows to separate websites. Date should follow the ISO-8601 standard. Task column cannot be empty.

Do you need further assistance?

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Over 65,000 WordPress professionals are already using ManageWP

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Over 65,000 WordPress professionals are already using ManageWP

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