Monetization Strategies for WordPress Professionals: Beyond the Basics

What are some advanced monetization strategies for WordPress professionals beyond the ones we all know and (over)use now?

All jokes aside, we talked among ourselves and friends and came up with several ways to monetize our work and services differently. This guide will help you expand your offering and improve your business and customer satisfaction as well.

5 Monetization Strategies for WordPress Professionals

1. Custom Development Projects with Retainers

This strategy allows you to establish a long-term collaboration with clients that provides a steady income stream while fostering client loyalty and satisfaction. It provides ongoing support, updates, and new features beyond the initial project scope. To elaborate: although custom website development typically involves building a website from scratch based on a client’s specific requirements and preferences, the one with retainers involves an ongoing relationship between the WordPress professional or agency and the client. Instead of completing a one-time project, the client retains your services repeatedly, typically through a monthly retainer agreement. This partnership often includes a set number of hours or services provided each month, which they use for ongoing support, maintenance, updates, enhancements, or consulting services related to the client’s website.

How is this approach a more advanced monetization strategy? Well, it allows you to establish long-term partnerships with clients and provide ongoing value that goes beyond the initial website development. Moreover, it brings you the following benefits:

1. Predictable Revenue: Retainer agreements provide a steady income stream compared to relying solely on one-time project fees. This helps with cash flow management and business planning.

2. Client Retention: Offer ongoing support and maintenance services to deepen your client relationships and increase client retention rates. They will likely stay engaged and continue working with you if you provide consistent value and support.

3. Opportunities for Upselling: This relationship allows you to identify areas for improvement and propose additional projects or services to add value to the client’s website and business.

4. Proactive Maintenance: With retainers, you can keep track of and maintain clients’ sites, address the issues, and implement updates or improvements on an ongoing basis. Doing so can prevent problems before they arise and ensure that clients’ websites remain secure, up-to-date, and performing optimally.

5. Long-Term Strategic Partnerships: This type of agreement fosters long-term strategic partnerships between you and your clients, which are based on mutual trust, collaboration, and shared goals.

How to implement this monetization strategy?

Set Clear Expectations: Define clear expectations and deliverables to avoid misunderstandings and scope creep. Be specific in outlining the services, including response times, communication channels, and escalation procedures to help ensure a successful partnership.

Prioritize Customer Satisfaction: Make sure to address the issues, anticipate needs, and go above and beyond promptly, to exceed client expectations, building trust and loyalty. This will strengthen trust and customer satisfaction, which should retain clients long-term.

Emphasize Long-Term Value: Position retainers as a strategic investment in the client’s business growth and success. Explain the benefits of ongoing support, maintenance, and continuous improvement that this type of partnership will bring.

Furthermore, using automation tools for those repetitive tasks will maximize efficiency while minimizing manual effort and overhead costs. For example, with ManageWP you can easily automate the identification and installation of updates for all your plugins and themes, schedule regular backups for your website’s files and database, scan for security threats and malware, automate client reporting, and more! #Justsayyin

2.     Consulting and Advisory Services

Present yourself and/or your team as trusted WordPress advisors and consultants. This kind of service is tailored for businesses that need strategic guidance on website development, digital marketing, SEO, content strategy, or technology stack selection. Provide customized recommendations, meaningful insights, and actionable plans for their unique needs and goals. And by highlighting your industry experience, technical proficiency, certifications, case studies, and client testimonials you’ll easily demonstrate credibility and expertise. With this type of service, you can leverage your WordPress skills and experience to provide valuable guidance and recommendations to clients seeking to maximize the effectiveness and impact of their websites or digital initiatives.

How to implement this monetization strategy?

Conduct comprehensive audits and analyses to understand your client’s goals, challenges, and requirements related to WordPress. Seek any opportunities or areas for improvement, and suggest practical solutions using your expertise, current best practices, and insights from the industry.

Next, develop strategic plans and roadmaps outlining everything relevant to achieving your clients’ WordPress-related objectives. This includes actionable steps, milestones, and timelines, ensuring you’re not missing anything and showcasing you as a highly intuitive and thoughtful advisor. Give valuable insights and advice on their website development and improvement, create effective WordPress content strategies, help design user-friendly experiences, select the right technology stack, and ensure optimized performance.

On top of that, offer to implement advice and proposed steps (or oversee them), to ensure their WordPress projects are effectively executed and aligned with strategic business objectives.

Doing so will help you create customizable consulting services that meet each client’s specific needs, objectives, and constraints, providing personalized recommendations and solutions that align with their unique circumstances and goals. Furthermore, it demonstrates your devotion to your clients’ success which will set a solid foundation for a successful partnership. Not to mention how it helps you to establish credibility and trust which is always good for your business.

3.     White-Label Partnerships with Agencies

Establish white-label partnerships with larger agencies by offering specialized WordPress development, design, or support expertise. Position yourself as a go-to outsourcing partner for agencies needing to expand their service offerings or handle overflow work, while providing high-quality services under their brand.

This will enable you to expand your client base, access new markets, and improve your recurring revenue more safely.

How to implement this monetization strategy?

Research, research, research. Identify potential agency partners that complement not just your expertise and target market but also align with your values. Look for agencies that are in relatable industries that can benefit from outsourcing WordPress development, design, or support.

Make a list of the most promising agency partners and put out personalized proposals, tailoring your service offerings to align with their needs and preferences.

You can offer website development, design customization, plugin development, maintenance, support, and digital marketing services, which all can be seamlessly integrated into the partner’s service portfolio.

Let’s say, for example, you partner with a web design agency specializing in branding and marketing services. By offering white-label WordPress development and support services, you are providing backend development, theme customization, and ongoing maintenance for their clients while allowing them to focus on front-end design and client relationships. A win-win partnership for both of you.

4.     Productized Services and Packages

Put together your services into easy-to-understand packages with clear prices, what you’ll deliver, and when it’ll be done. Develop standardized service bundles for tasks like checking websites, making them faster, tightening security, or moving content around. By simplifying the sales process, you’ll provide clear value propositions to prospects and clients.

How to implement this monetization strategy?

Pinpoint the core services or tasks you frequently do for clients, such as website audits, theme customization, plugin installation, or SEO, and package them into standardized service offerings with clear deliverables and pricing.

Define fixed prices and scope for each package based on factors like complexity, time required, or value delivered. Be transparent and clear about the deliverables upon each investment.

Talking about deliverables, make sure to set up a streamlined delivery process for each of your productized services, including onboarding, project management, communication, and delivery of deliverables. Automate what you can, use templates and workflows for repetitive tasks which will help you ensure consistent quality.

You can use this WordPress monetization strategy to, for example, create a productized service package for content marketing beginners, offering keyword research, content strategy development, and blog post writing services. Bundle these services into a comprehensive package with a fixed price, name it a Content Marketing Starter Kit, and target small businesses or startups looking to establish their online presence.

5. Online Training and Workshops

Monetize your expertise by creating and delivering high-quality training content and interactive learning experiences. Turn your knowledge into educational resources, courses, webinars, or workshops focused on WordPress-related topics to individuals, businesses, or organizations seeking to enhance their skills, expertise, and proficiency in using WordPress effectively.

How to implement this monetization strategy?

Define specific WordPress-related skills or aspects that are in demand and develop comprehensive online courses, workshops, or training programs around them. From website development, design principles, to plugin development, theme customization, SEO, digital marketing strategies, or business growth tactics, you can choose from plenty of options. Structure courses into modules, lessons, and exercises to provide participants a clear and engaging learning experience.

And if you’re worried that plenty of training and workshops are already out there, don’t be! By including your experience, point of view, case studies, and examples of work in practice, you are making sure the value you provide is 100% authentic, different, and worthy.

On top of that, by including video tutorials, presentations, screencasts, interactive quizzes, assignments, downloadable resources, and live Q&A sessions you are not only catering to diverse learning styles and preferences but also making sure to stand out in (what you think is) a saturated market.


Remember, building and scaling a successful and lucrative WordPress business takes time, dedication, and continuous learning. Focus on defining the aspects you want to thrive in, delivering high-quality work, while providing exceptional customer service, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies to stay afloat and competitive.

And, as mentioned above, we gave you five WordPress monetization strategies to scale your business and improve your revenue:

  1. Custom development projects with retainers
  2. Consulting and Advisory Services
  3. White-Label Partnerships with Agencies
  4. Productized Services and Packages
  5. Online Training and Workshops

What are some of the strategies you’ll use and which ones have you already tried? Let us know in the comments section below!

Ivana Cirkovic

Ivana is a digital marketer and content strategist with a talent for copywriting and storytelling. She is passionate about finding the perfect words to capture the essence of a message or brand.


  1. Franklin

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  2. Padma Sathvika

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  3. Radha

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  4. Jay M

    The practical tips shared in this blog are gold! It’s refreshing to find a digital marketing resource that not only explains the theories but also provides actionable steps for implementing strategies.

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